
Fear can be our friend or it can be tormenting to our very existence. No human being lives totally free from fear but, when a person suffers from the torment, fear tends to paralyze the individual. Fear blinds us to alternatives in problem-solving and options for decision-making which would otherwise be obvious. It is one thing to be frightened of circumstances which would scare anyone. It is another, for your life to be paralyzed by irrational fears.

Healthy fears differ from unhealthy fears. Fear is the first emotion we learn to experience. Healthy fear warns us of danger and painful consequences of disobedience. It also teaches us healthy limits, boundaries, and how to be orderly and sociable. Unhealthy fears are exaggerations of risks, which paralyze us into inaction and makes us much more self-conscious.
Learning to come to terms with fear will help individuals become more confident in their approach to life. But, how does a person begin to deal with unhealthy fear? There are four steps to begin to control fear in your life and not allow fear to control you any longer.

First, learn deep-breathing exercises by taking deep, cleansing breaths – repeating this action three times. Second, use your brain to critically think – subjecting your fears to the law of averages. Think to yourself, “What are the chances that what I fear will actually happen?”  “What are the statistical odds I’m up against?” Third, create a relaxation image in your mind. “Do you have a favorite place to go that is peaceful in nature – like the beach, or the woods?” Close your eyes and think of this peaceful place and the sounds, smell, and sights as you relax. Fourth, begin to memorize Scripture verses that give you God’s reassurance.

Scriptures to Combat Fear

  • Psalm 23
  • Hebrews 13:6
  • Isaiah 41: 10
  • Psalm 118:6
  • John 14: 27
  • Proverbs 29:25
  • Romans 8: 28
  • Isaiah 35: 3-4
  • Romans 8: 31
  • Romans 8:15
  • II Timothy 1: 7
  • I John 4:18
  • I John 4: 4