Therapeutic Approach

We believe that the comprehensive nature of man is a complex interweaving of body, mind and spirit. The integration of theological and psychological principles is a must for complete healing. All of our counseling is Biblically-based as we seek to integrate our theological position with an eclectic approach to existing theories of personality and psychotherapy.

With God’s Word foundational, we utilize Bowen Family Theory as our basic theoretical concept. As we strive to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and our client needs, we often use a Cognitive-Behavioral approach. We also utilize the Biblical principles found in Twelve-Step programs for clients struggling with addictions.

Scripture is consistently utilized as a powerful tool in counseling as we strive to educate, encourage, comfort, and confront clients with the truth about their individual issues. Scripture is often incorporated into homework assignments and relaxation exercises. We pray with clients on a regular basis and encourage them to seek direction from God in their private prayer lives. Prayer is also an effective tool used while teaching clients how to release their emotions appropriately.